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“Nations walking in the freedom of the Father’s presence, celebrating His love”


“Transforming hearts into God’s rest through the revelation of the Father’s love.”


The Board and staff of “Mto Moyoni” accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and will base their life styles on the truth of Gods word. The following is the Centre statement of faith:

• We believe in the Sovereignty and grace of God the Father from whom all things come, in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son and in the Holy Spirit. One God in three persons.
• We believe that God is omniscient, almighty, infinite and yet very personal. His nature in essence is love. He is “Abba” and active today in fullness of power.
• We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory.
• We believe that for the salvation of the lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit and faith in the finished work of Jesus at the cross is absolute essential.
• We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. We believe that He is as a river of living water present in each born-again Christian.
• We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation, and they that are saved unto eternal life and rest with God.
• We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
• We believe in the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and its trustworthiness and its authority in all matters of faith.
• We believe in the creation, test and fall of men as recorded in Genesis; man’s total spiritual depravity and inability to attain righteousness apart from God.
• We believe in the sacrament of Water Baptism.
• We believe in the Table of the Lord, commonly called Communion of the Lord’s supper, for believers.
• We believe in the reality and personality of satan and the eternal judgment of satan and his angels.
• We believe in the visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are created for relationship and not for work.  Both the relationship between God and man and man vs man. Emphasis is laid on relationship God – man. If that relationship is restored other relationships will follow.
Helping people to find God as a Father and finding their security in who they are in Christ as sons and daughters of God.
Work flows from relationship. Honour needs to be given to whom honour is due. Discipline needs to be done in love. Discipline is to restore not to break down.

To claim back all territory that Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. In personal life beginning with one’s own heart and then reaching  out to family,  ministry  and the world at large.
Finding our rightful place in the heart of the Father is Mto Moyoni’s main strategy for restoration in one’s personal life, ministry, and the world at large.

Rooted in love.
We are all on a journey to be rooted in love.  Let’s therefore love one another. Any reaction rooted in pain is taken as an opportunity for deeper healing.

Integrity and transparency.
Leadership has the freedom to ask questions and refer people back to the responsibility of their own heart. Brokenness is seen as a way into the heart and repentance and forgiveness are the mail strategies to lead people into new levels of integrity and transparency.

Role models.
People in leadership are to live according to Kingdom values and will be  role models for the new people  joining the organisation.

The Cross
Forgiveness and repentance are the main keys for healing in all areas of our being.  Physical, emotional and spiritual.

The Word
People are encouraged to think, speak and live according to the word of God, recognising that the Spirit of love breaths life to the written Word and that the truth will set people free.

God’s Presence
If God says or does something that needs to have priority over all other things.  To “judge” if  it is God speaking,  it needs to be  in line with His word and His character.

Kingdom thinking with Kingdom expectations.
 ”Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
Restoration for the orphans and widows is to lead them to the heart of Father God where they will find comfort and provision. If Father leads so, we will also be practically involved in caring for the orphans and widows.
Mto Moyoni desires to model care for all of creation, including the environment and to be a channel of restoration to the earth and all that is in it.

Helping people to see that Gods plan’s for their lives is higher than our own and that His thoughts are higher than our own thoughts. Encouraging people to align their thinking with Gods thoughts portrayed in His word.

All nationalities are warmly welcome to Mto Moyoni, however Mto Moyoni recognises Israel’s unique position in Gods heart and will endeavour to bless this nation and its people. Mto will seek to be actively involved, as we are being led, in partnering with others in developing the high way into Jerusalem as described in Isaiah 19 and Isaiah 35.

Mto Moyoni will be a place of refuge for the wounded to find rest and healing under His wings.

People will find their place in Father God’s heart and receive from Him by spending time in His presence, either individually or in a group setting.

They will be an integral part of the ministry, both in the physical and in the spiritual. Mto Moyoni hopes to develop practical ways in caring for and ministering to orphans leading them to a revelation of knowing God as  Father and teaching them to live in their identity and authority as children of God.

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